22.8 C
Πέμπτη, 25 Απριλίου, 2024
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ'Greece, Cyprus look forward to a constructive shift in Turkey's stance'

‘Greece, Cyprus look forward to a constructive shift in Turkey’s stance’

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President Katerina Sakellaropoulou said that “Greece, like Cyprus, looks forward to a constructive shift in Turkey’s stance, in compliance with the Charter of the United Nations, with International Law and with the Law of the Sea, as well as with the Security Council’s resolutions on Cyprus,” speaking in the Republic of Cyrpus’ House of Representatives on Monday, where she is currently on a two-day official visit.
“Until then, we will not stop defending – not even momentarily and with all the legal means at our disposal – our sovereignty and our sovereign rights,” she stressed, noting that “towards this goal, the European Union has been, and will remain, the main field of our coordinated political and diplomatic effort.”
“The questioning and violation of the sovereign rights of Greece and the Republic of Cyprus, two member states of the European Union, offends and challenges the Union itself,” she added.
She further pointed out that “our EU partners have already shown their support in practice and are increasingly recognizing the right of our arguments. Turkey’s aggression isolates it internationally and weakens its positions.”
The Greek President then said that Turkey’s isolation is thus demonstrated by “its absence from the network of tripartite and other multilateral regional collaborations of Greece and Cyprus, a network that is developing rapidly in recent years in the Eastern Mediterranean and our broader region.”
“Greece’s constant priority is the further development and deepening of these regional collaborations, which are of crucial importance for security and stability, and which show, among other things, the strong interest of countries such as France and the United States.”

Τα άρθρα που δημοσιεύονται στο flight.com.gr εκφράζουν τους συντάκτες τους
κι όχι απαραίτητα τον ιστότοπο. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση χωρίς γραπτή
έγκριση. Σε αντίθετη περίπτωση θα λαμβάνονται νομικά μέτρα. Ο ιστότοπος
διατηρεί το δικαίωμα ελέγχου των σχολίων, τα οποία εκφράζουν μόνο το συγγραφέα

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